the car road trip' checklist

the car road trip' checklist

Summer is here, so you should be prepared for your family road trip, and that includes a car care checklist. It is not only about where to go but also about the car you will use for the long-distancing trip and essential checkpoints before you hit the road. That said, these checks are essential for your car as it will have a lot of work to do for the next few months. Read carefully and add this to your travel checklist. 

1.      Fill up the petrol tank:  New Zealand is well known as the land of the long white cloud and its famous mountains. No matter where you go you will find long roads across the country. That said, the long-distance from one place to another can be an average of 1 hour to 3 hours if you are travelling around the rural aera, so finding a petrol station can be a hazard sometimes. Thus, to avoid the idea to stuck in the middle of nowhere during the day or night, and so a parking ticket, you need to keep your tank full as much as possible.

2.      Top up your windscreen washer fluid: Whenever you are driving to your destination many bugs will hit and stick to your windshield, which is why you should keep the washer filter filled to keep cleaning your windscreen along the way. Do not forget to keep a bottle of water in your boot that can be used to top up the washer fluid in case you run out of this in the middle of the road. Additionally, you can apply a thin layer of wax on your windscreen that will keep bugs off your windshield. Your visibility will be much better without bug guts indeed.

3.      Use the Air Conditioning properly: In summer we enjoy spectacular sunny days and high temperatures that will heat up your car. That said, the proper way to use your car’s AC will keep you cool in your road trip or the way home after work. Also, keeping your car out of the sunlight in a really hot day will help your AC to perform better and will keep it cool. If this is not possible and the interior of the car is extremely hot you should ventilate the car first, put the windows down letting the hot air escape while you drive and be brave as you will melt while the car’s interior will cool down, then turn on the AC in low speed, and you will be grateful for it!

4.      Keep your spare tyre or puncture repair kit ready: A flat tyre is never a fact, but it is always a possibility. No matter which brand is your car, you will always have either a spare saver, tyre, or repair kit that you can use to save your live whenever you got a flat tyre. Also, you do not need to be an expert mechanic to change your flat tyre, ask us for help if you do not know how to change your tyre or watch this video to learn how to use your repair kit. Remember, the roadside assistance can fail sometimes.

Keeping in mind these check points for your family road trip will keep you out of trouble. Moreover, make sure your will keep snacks and lots of water inside your car, having a back up food will not allow you and your family to starve in case you arrive too late to your destination and find all the restaurants closed, you will be thankful for it.


Posted: Thursday 13 January 2022