Why is Electronic Stability Control very important?
Nowadays several regulations have been raised to protect drivers on the roads. A few car components have changed their importance due to their function hence they have become a fundamental part of the safety and wellness of drivers and their passengers. That said, the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) is one of those components that must be on the cars that hit the New Zealand roads.
What is the Electronic Stability Control Function?
The ESC has one particular task, this part helps drivers to reduce losing control of their cars on slippery roads as well as helps the brakes to push the car in the right direction.
How does the electronic stability control work?
Well, this is a bit complex to explain but check the picture below and you will understand how this important part of your car works.

As it can be seen on the image, the vehicle is moving forward in one direction, but while it is oversteering meaning the rear tyres or backside of the car start spinning or skidding in the opposite way, the ESC, (Electronic Stability Control), uses the vehicle’s braking force to turn the back and front wheels on the desirable course, therefore, stabilize the car preventing a serious accident on the road.
Why ESC is very important for the New Zealand’s road safety?
A few years ago, the New Zealand government and the ministry of transport required that all new and used vehicles imported into NZ must have the Electronic Stability component, this rule came into effect in 2019 as part of the new safety program called “Road to Zero”, please click on this link to see more information about the strategy: https://www.transport.govt.nz/area-of-interest/safety/road-to-zero/.
That said, the government safety program has been supported by the Electronic Stability Control since the beginning as it helps drivers control the car and avoid the possibility to get killed or injured in a car accident.
Moreover, this policy applies to every single car including commercial and light vans. So, no matter if you are carrying or not passengers your car needs to have this key part.
Also, these type of policies in countries where safety is first push brands such as Suzuki, Mazda, Toyota, among others, to focus on safety settings to protect consumers, e.g. the new Toyota safety features such as lane keep assistant, pre-collision alert system and auto high beam.
How can I check if my car has or not Electronic Stability Control (ESC)?Normally, you can see the ESC indicator light on the dashboard once you switch on your car, after a few seconds it will disappear as the system has completed the vehicle's internal checks. Furthermore, you will be able to see the turn off button on the driver's side next to the steering wheel, it can be used to turn off this function, however, it is not recommended to do it, you should keep on your traction control for safety purposes.
Nowadays, there are so many electronic components that improve drivers' and passengers' safety. Electronic Stability Control, and ABS safety systems, among others are made to protect your family, so whenever you purchase your new car make sure it has the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) function so you will feel safer on the roads.
Posted: Saturday 14 May 2022